Tri-Cities Bodyrubs (196 results near me)
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Frequently asked questions
Who provides massage therapy?
They are provided by massage therapists who are well-trained and registered with their provincial regulatory bodies.
Do I have to get rid of all of my clothes for massages?
Your privacy is the top priority. All massage therapists in Tri-Cities follow strict rules about ethics and privacy. There is nothing to worry about because your massage therapist has been trained to cover up properly.
Is it painful to get a massage?
There may be some soreness, which is normal in many soft tissue treatments, but this is not severe or long-lasting. Some people say that it hurts so good. It will be up to you and your therapist to figure out what level of comfort and how much you can handle during your treatment. If you have pain or discomfort during a massage, tell your therapist so that the treatment can be changed to fit your needs.
What do massage therapists do when they treat a patient?
People who work with massages will ask about your medical history, talk about your symptoms, and figure out what you want to get out of the massages.An initial check is done, and if there is nothing to be concerned about, your therapist will go ahead with the massage.
What are the Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy can lower heart rate and blood pressure, improve circulation, relax muscles, improve flexibility, promote a better range of motion, and make good endorphins.
For the first time, what can I expect?
If you haven't done so previously, plan to arrive five to ten minutes early to fill out a brief intake form and, if necessary, use the restroom.
What type of session should I choose?
There are several options available. The style and method of your massage can be further modified within each of these categories.
What length of time should I choose?
Many things come into play, including what you want to accomplish, the type and severity of your muscle and soft-tissue dysfunction, and your own personal preferences.
When should I expect to have a massage again?
This varies greatly among individuals. The more time you have between sessions, the more time your body has to restore to its previous state.
Can DVT Patients Get Massages?
While having deep vein thrombosis does not physically prevent you from getting a massage, it is not advised. This can lead to major health issues like pulmonary embolisms.